Monday 28 November 2011


By:  Gillian Rogers - November 2, 2011

With the establishment of the private investment group Paulsmeier Inc Group, Mark Paulsmeier has established a vast international private investment group, which without doubt has made him one of the most influential facilitators of corporate funding and resources in the world today.
The Paulsmeier Inc Group with its three divisions Global Association of Billionaires and Millionaires, International Venture Capital Association and Oakwell Holdings have become both the object of envy and professional resentment to the international financial establishment, as a result of them losing many important clients to this group.
To make matters worse, Mr. Paulsmeier is adamant that he will not share business with any organization which is not affiliated to his international corporate network. He source and allocate corporate resources only within his international corporate network of more than 500 000 corporate decision makers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, professional consultants and the like. He refuses to include the traditional investment banks, financial institutions or corporate advisors in the large financial transactions of his clients and members, unless they become associated members to his organization.
It is widely believed that this firm and resolute position has made Mr. Paulsmeier a common enemy amongst the international financial establishment, which has ultimately led to at least 4 different campaigns that was intended to sabotage his business affairs and to discredit his professional character as well as that of his organizations.
The first campaign commenced just after the failed takeover of the UK based Marks & Spencer retailer by a former executive in the beginning of 2005, in which Mr. Paulsmeier was retained to facilitate the 10.5 billion pounds required for the transaction.
In terms of his mandate, Mr. Paulsmeier has successfully raised the capital through his global private equity network, but he withdrew after information about the transaction have been leaked to the media prematurely which resulted in the speculation of the M&S share price by unscrupulous brokers and insiders.
This has created the perfect opportunity for Mr. Paulsmeier’s rivals in the transaction to launch an effective defamatory campaign through the British press in which Mr. Paulsmeier is portrayed as the opportunistic individual that wanted to take over M&S in his personal capacity and an individual who does not have the financial substance to conclude such a substantial transaction, as appose to being the funding facilitator,  and that he is also the subject matter of an investigation by the British Takeover Panel as he allegedly did not follow the prescribed procedures of the London Stock Exchange.
In fact Mr. Paulsmeier was never involved in the transaction besides from being responsible to raise the capital for the transaction, and it is needless to say that most of the materially false, misleading and defamatory articles on the subject matter have since been removed from the internet by the applicable media houses after establishing they have been misled Mr. Paulsmeier’s rivals and subsequently being faced with substantial libel suits as a result. The below articles provide an accurate account of the actual events.
The second campaign in which Mr. Paulsmeier has been discredited on the internet was when another member of the British financial services industry and his associates made a few postings on the Grapevine website in which they have suggested that Mr. Paulsmeier is taking up front fees when facilitating corporate funding, through a company that at that time was merely a client of his website hosting company. Mr. Paulsmeier was never involved in, or associated to, that company at all and he has never charged up front fees for his professional services. Mr. Paulsmeier has nevertheless cut his ties with the said company, who has since been forced to file for bankruptcy as a result of the negative perception that has been created.
It is of significant importance to note that all the allegations on Grapevine have been made in anonymity and not one shred of evidence has been offered. It was clearly intended to create negative illusions and innuendos about Mr. Paulsmeier’s credibility.
The third campaign against Mr. Paulsmeier came from one of Mr. Paulsmeier’s most fierce rivals, the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) based in Virginia, USA. This campaign is all about an Asian crime syndicate who has stolen the website design of the NVCA and the corporate brand of Mr. Paulsmeier’s International Venture Capital Association (IVCA) to defraud unsuspecting investors. Both the NVCA and IVCA have brought the matter under the attention of the international prosecuting authorities who has very rapidly and effectively dealt with the crime syndicate in question. Many news articles in this regard could be found on and the press room on
The NVCA has however seen this as a perfect opportunity for them to join the British group during 2005 in trying to discredit Mr. Paulsmeier and his IVCA organization by publishing a defamatory article on its website. The NVCA has since also removed the article when Mr. Paulsmeier and his group started a $ 2 billion class action lawsuit against the NVCA. See the following article on this matter:
The NVCA is believed to have then retained the services of the New York investigation firm Kessler International in 2005 to investigate Mr. Paulsmeier and his business affairs in the hope of finding any information that can discredit Mr. Paulsmeier. Kessler International could to date not succeed in finding any evidence that would suggest any wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Paulsmeier or his organizations.
Kessler International has subsequently also posted an article on its website in which it has endeavored to create false innuendos against Mr. Paulsmeier. Mr. Paulsmeier has since openly challenged both the NVCA and Kessler International to share any information and facts indicating wrongdoing on his part in public and on the internet. Yet after 7 years nothing is forthcoming and it is now believed that Kessler International has become the subject matter of criminal investigations against itself. See articles and and and and  
After more than 7 years of trying to discredit Mr. Paulsmeier in the international corporate community and not succeeding at all, his rivals have now commenced with a fourth campaign in which Mr. Paulsmeier and his organizations’ websites are targeted with continuous cyber attacks to sabotage their business affairs. The culprits are currently under investigation.
Our investigation has revealed that there is no substance or evidence whatsoever in support of the allegations against Mr. Paulsmeier on the internet, and it is suffice to conclude that the negative articles about Mr. Paulsmeier is materially false, misleading and defamatory.
At least Mr. Paulsmeier should find solace in the fact that it is eventually known to the entire international business community that he has been the subject matter of a brilliantly orchestrated yet unsuccessful defamation scam.
What can one say about such reprehensible actions on the part of large corporations of repute, besides from being sickened by it?
The good that actually emerges from these kinds of defamation campaigns are that people are no longer fooled by unsubstantiated claims that can be posted on the internet with utmost ease, and one would similarly be an idiot if you think people will believe such without prudently evaluating the said information, as is in the case with Mr. Paulsmeier whose business affairs seems to be unaffected at all even after 7 years of intensive attacks by international organizations with a high degree of respect and influence.
Ultimately it is only hard evidence and facts that matter and not false innuendos or the creation of smokes and mirrors.


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